
Дипломированная педофея.
Punk Miles Should've Hooked up with Goth Claire.
As huge a proponent of the 'Whatever happened happened' theory Daniel's always been, I'm willing to guess he might've been looking for a way to change that ideology. The Daniel who left the island was a gibbering, resigned, broken man. The guy who steps out of the sub looks newly confident and ready to rock. Just like Benjamin Linus, I think Daniel is now prepared to fight the inevitable. Whatever he did in Ann Arbor, it probably involved some rats and some mazes and some insane mathematics. I'll bet he came back to save his friends, but mostly to save one other person from the inevitable: Charlotte. Whether he succeeds, or whether the Ewoks take over the later half of a really kickass trilogy... we'll just have to wait and see.

@темы: lost

18.04.2009 в 18:18

In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.