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There are 10+ pages of comments there, and people asked several questions to him, here's the questions and the answers:
Guy: The next 3 episodes are totally stunning and probably the best 3 episodes of Lost ever.If you have any questions just ask me.
Poster: who the hell is jacob??
Guy: That is not explained in these 3 episodes, although Ben tells Locke that Jacob will be visiting the island in less than a week.
Poster: yeah cos thats in the following episode.
who if any kills anthony cooper?
Guy: No one kills Cooper.
Poster: where and how did you mange to see the next three episodes?
Guy: As part of my job I have access to advance screener dvd's. For reasons unknown all journalists and media associates were sent 3 episodes. Normally we just get the one.
Poster: Is Mikhail alive?
Guy: Yes, Mikhail is indeed alive.
Poster: Is Nikki and Paolau (sp?) in the next 3 episodes?
Guy: No, they are not in any of those episode. I thought they were dead.
Poster: Does this mean you've seen the DeGroot episode? Is there a DeGroot episode as rumor?
Guy: No, I have seen Catch-22, DOC and The Brig. My understanding is that the episode after The Brig is the Ben flashback. I have not seen that one yet.
Poster: heres one. who is the father of sun's baby? At the end of "One of Us" episode, we see that Juliet is not really left behind and that it was all planned. Can you tell us what happens in the next 3 episodes regarding this?
Guy: There is lots to write out but in essence the Losties still don't know she is a "plant". She finds out that Sun is pregnant after overhearing Charlie and Claire talk about Sun. Juliet takes sun to another Hatch to examine her baby. It transpires that Jin could not be the father because of the Date of Conception. It was prior to her arriving on the Island. So Jay-Lee.
Poster: What's the coolest line in all 3 of the episodes?
Guy: In my opinion Locke to Cooper "I'd like you to meet someone else you conned dad"....and in walks Sawyer.
Poster: When Sawyer says "Finish it," who is he talking to and what is "it?"
Guy: He is getting Cooper to read the letter he wrote out loud. Locke's flashback starts right after we saw him in The Man from Tallahassee, and we don't know how Cooper got into the island.
After 6 pages people started to talk rubbish at him, and disbelieving ..
Poster: If you are telling the truth, what is the shocking revelation that Naomi tells them about the flight? Or what is it that she has, that shouldn't exist in that time??
Guy: She tells them that the flight wreckage was found along with the planes flight recorder in the Ocean and all passengers were presumed dead.
She has a photo of Penny and Desmond.
Poster: Five Questiones:
Who drives the chopper?
Why doesn't Sawyer kill Cooper?
What is Makhail up to?
Do we see the smoke monster?
Why was Desmond fired from the military?
Guy: Who drives the chopper?
We don't see the Chopper or the pilot. We just hear it
Why doesn't Sawyer kill Cooper?
He couldn't bring himself to do it.HE showed remorse.
What is Makhail up to?
Not sure what you mean?
Do we see the smoke monster?
Why was Desmond fired from the military?
We don't see any of his time in the Military. The flashback deals with his time in a monestry like enviroment.
Poster: I mean: what is Mikahil doing in the episodes?
Why is Naomi on the island?
What is her alarming information concerning flight 815?
What happens to Anthony Cooper after Sawyer lets him live? Does Sawyer beat the hell out of him at least? Where do they meet?
Guy: what is Mikahil doing in the episodes?
We only see him briefly. He attacks Jin on the way to the Black Rock.
Why is Naomi on the island?
Looking for Desmond,she was sent there by Penny based on the info from Monitoring Station that we saw in the S2 final episode
What happens to Anthony Cooper after Sawyer lets him live? Does Sawyer beat the hell out of him at least? Where do they meet?
We don't see him again? It is Locke who beats Cooper and that is why his hand was in a bandage.
Poster: What goes on while Locke is with the others?? Where do they go?
Guy: They go to a makeshift camp made of tents.
Poster: Does Ben or any of the others tell Locke anything interesting or important while he is with them?
Guy: Nothing that immediately springs to mind but it was 3 days since I watched. I will rewatch tomorrow when I am back at work and make some notes as I view them.
Page 9, people start rubbishing again, saying it's a fake ..
Poster: Why is Mikahil attaking Jin?
Who is unexpectidly wearing a Dharma suit?
Is it 100/o sure that Jin is not the father of the baby?
How does Juliet manage to leave the main island?
What is Naomis alarming information concerning flight 815?
Guy: Why is Mikahil attaking Jin?
For reasons still unknown he wants to stop them getting to the Black Rock.
Who is unexpectidly wearing a Dharma suit?
Sorry no idea what you mean.
Is it 100/o sure that Jin is not the father of the baby?
Yes, the Date of Conception makes it impossible for it to be Jins.
How does Juliet manage to leave the main island?
She does not leave the main island.
What is Naomis alarming information concerning flight 815?
Ive already answered this. The flights wreckage was found at the bottom of the Ocean and everyone presumed dead, meaning that no one is searching for them.
Poster: Is Juliet with the surviors to steal Sun?
Where and why are Desmond, Jin, Hurley, and Charlie going?
Where does Naomi come from and does she have a way off the island?
How does Sawyer find Locke?
How did Locke's dad get there?
Guy: Is Juliet with the surviors to steal Sun?
No, she only finds out about Sun and the baby when she is at the camp.
Where and why are Desmond, Jin, Hurley, and Charlie going?
They are going off for reasons only know by Desmond as he had another of his flahes.
Where does Naomi come from and does she have a way off the island?
Naomi is only conscious for a few seconds after she crashes. She does not say much.She came from the Helicopter.
How does Sawyer find Locke?
Sawyer is off hunting boar and spots locke walking through the jungle.
How did Locke's dad get there?
Poster: Is Sawyer taken to the Others with Locke to talk to his Dad or was his Dad taken away by Locke?
How do Catch-22, D.O.C., and the Brig end?
Guy: No Sawyer takes Locke to see his dad.
Catch-22 ends with the Penny Photo
I cant remember how DOC ends, I think it's some montage scene, I will re-watch and post tomorrow,
The Brig ends with Sawyer crying after not going through will killing Cooper.
There are 10+ pages of comments there, and people asked several questions to him, here's the questions and the answers:
Guy: The next 3 episodes are totally stunning and probably the best 3 episodes of Lost ever.If you have any questions just ask me.
Poster: who the hell is jacob??
Guy: That is not explained in these 3 episodes, although Ben tells Locke that Jacob will be visiting the island in less than a week.
Poster: yeah cos thats in the following episode.
who if any kills anthony cooper?
Guy: No one kills Cooper.
Poster: where and how did you mange to see the next three episodes?
Guy: As part of my job I have access to advance screener dvd's. For reasons unknown all journalists and media associates were sent 3 episodes. Normally we just get the one.
Poster: Is Mikhail alive?
Guy: Yes, Mikhail is indeed alive.
Poster: Is Nikki and Paolau (sp?) in the next 3 episodes?
Guy: No, they are not in any of those episode. I thought they were dead.
Poster: Does this mean you've seen the DeGroot episode? Is there a DeGroot episode as rumor?
Guy: No, I have seen Catch-22, DOC and The Brig. My understanding is that the episode after The Brig is the Ben flashback. I have not seen that one yet.
Poster: heres one. who is the father of sun's baby? At the end of "One of Us" episode, we see that Juliet is not really left behind and that it was all planned. Can you tell us what happens in the next 3 episodes regarding this?
Guy: There is lots to write out but in essence the Losties still don't know she is a "plant". She finds out that Sun is pregnant after overhearing Charlie and Claire talk about Sun. Juliet takes sun to another Hatch to examine her baby. It transpires that Jin could not be the father because of the Date of Conception. It was prior to her arriving on the Island. So Jay-Lee.
Poster: What's the coolest line in all 3 of the episodes?
Guy: In my opinion Locke to Cooper "I'd like you to meet someone else you conned dad"....and in walks Sawyer.
Poster: When Sawyer says "Finish it," who is he talking to and what is "it?"
Guy: He is getting Cooper to read the letter he wrote out loud. Locke's flashback starts right after we saw him in The Man from Tallahassee, and we don't know how Cooper got into the island.
After 6 pages people started to talk rubbish at him, and disbelieving ..
Poster: If you are telling the truth, what is the shocking revelation that Naomi tells them about the flight? Or what is it that she has, that shouldn't exist in that time??
Guy: She tells them that the flight wreckage was found along with the planes flight recorder in the Ocean and all passengers were presumed dead.
She has a photo of Penny and Desmond.
Poster: Five Questiones:
Who drives the chopper?
Why doesn't Sawyer kill Cooper?
What is Makhail up to?
Do we see the smoke monster?
Why was Desmond fired from the military?
Guy: Who drives the chopper?
We don't see the Chopper or the pilot. We just hear it
Why doesn't Sawyer kill Cooper?
He couldn't bring himself to do it.HE showed remorse.
What is Makhail up to?
Not sure what you mean?
Do we see the smoke monster?
Why was Desmond fired from the military?
We don't see any of his time in the Military. The flashback deals with his time in a monestry like enviroment.
Poster: I mean: what is Mikahil doing in the episodes?
Why is Naomi on the island?
What is her alarming information concerning flight 815?
What happens to Anthony Cooper after Sawyer lets him live? Does Sawyer beat the hell out of him at least? Where do they meet?
Guy: what is Mikahil doing in the episodes?
We only see him briefly. He attacks Jin on the way to the Black Rock.
Why is Naomi on the island?
Looking for Desmond,she was sent there by Penny based on the info from Monitoring Station that we saw in the S2 final episode
What happens to Anthony Cooper after Sawyer lets him live? Does Sawyer beat the hell out of him at least? Where do they meet?
We don't see him again? It is Locke who beats Cooper and that is why his hand was in a bandage.
Poster: What goes on while Locke is with the others?? Where do they go?
Guy: They go to a makeshift camp made of tents.
Poster: Does Ben or any of the others tell Locke anything interesting or important while he is with them?
Guy: Nothing that immediately springs to mind but it was 3 days since I watched. I will rewatch tomorrow when I am back at work and make some notes as I view them.
Page 9, people start rubbishing again, saying it's a fake ..
Poster: Why is Mikahil attaking Jin?
Who is unexpectidly wearing a Dharma suit?
Is it 100/o sure that Jin is not the father of the baby?
How does Juliet manage to leave the main island?
What is Naomis alarming information concerning flight 815?
Guy: Why is Mikahil attaking Jin?
For reasons still unknown he wants to stop them getting to the Black Rock.
Who is unexpectidly wearing a Dharma suit?
Sorry no idea what you mean.
Is it 100/o sure that Jin is not the father of the baby?
Yes, the Date of Conception makes it impossible for it to be Jins.
How does Juliet manage to leave the main island?
She does not leave the main island.
What is Naomis alarming information concerning flight 815?
Ive already answered this. The flights wreckage was found at the bottom of the Ocean and everyone presumed dead, meaning that no one is searching for them.
Poster: Is Juliet with the surviors to steal Sun?
Where and why are Desmond, Jin, Hurley, and Charlie going?
Where does Naomi come from and does she have a way off the island?
How does Sawyer find Locke?
How did Locke's dad get there?
Guy: Is Juliet with the surviors to steal Sun?
No, she only finds out about Sun and the baby when she is at the camp.
Where and why are Desmond, Jin, Hurley, and Charlie going?
They are going off for reasons only know by Desmond as he had another of his flahes.
Where does Naomi come from and does she have a way off the island?
Naomi is only conscious for a few seconds after she crashes. She does not say much.She came from the Helicopter.
How does Sawyer find Locke?
Sawyer is off hunting boar and spots locke walking through the jungle.
How did Locke's dad get there?
Poster: Is Sawyer taken to the Others with Locke to talk to his Dad or was his Dad taken away by Locke?
How do Catch-22, D.O.C., and the Brig end?
Guy: No Sawyer takes Locke to see his dad.
Catch-22 ends with the Penny Photo
I cant remember how DOC ends, I think it's some montage scene, I will re-watch and post tomorrow,
The Brig ends with Sawyer crying after not going through will killing Cooper.
@темы: lost
*слышен грохот упавшего пацстол тела*
блин, это ХУЙНЯ! КАК у неё мог начатся токсикоз только после НЕСКОЛЬКИХ МЕСЯЦЕВ последнего траха с Джей Ли? ЧТО ЗА БРЕД?????
ну там необязательно что прям несколько месяцев... а токсикоз вообще в разное время начинается. это похуй. меня не стебает, какого хрена они спасали Клер, если знали что дело в том, ГДЕ зачат ребенок. Но по Клер ведь ясен пень, что не на пляже нах.
Короче полный бреееед.
А еще эта тема про "самолет нашли и все сдохнувшие в океане!".. это жесть.
И Сойер, ревущий от того, что не убил Сойера... боже, меня щас вырвет.
искренне хоуп что это фойлеры нах
где ты это взяла-то?
я тоже думаю что фигня. взяла..ээ... у кекеров с lostrussia
(ага, им доверять неззя
я всё прочитала, поставь мне памятник, про чарлика ни слова=)
но если и вправду самолёт разбился и все умерли, то понятно почему их никто не ищет и не спасает)