Похвастаюсь. На английском Дэнис задал написать narrative, начинающийся с предложения "
As soon as I saw the rest of the group at the airport, I realized that I had made a dreadful mistake."
что Лён сочинил и за что получил первый жирный пятиш в жизни
Sense and sensibility
...As soon as I saw the rest of the group at the airport, I realized that I had made a dreadful mistake. All the people seemed so happy and pleased, their children were playing with each other running around and screaming, smiling, and laughing. The flashback ran through my mind; everything what had happened to me, and the possible causes of what will. My part in this game now looked like something stupid and totally insane. I looked at the watch. Only ten minutes left. I have to decide now. Why haven’t I thought about everything before? Why did only the innocent faces of the people return me to mind? I feel crazy. Five minutes left. I have to think. Twice. The bomb is on the plane. I think I hear its tick . Then I am turning my head and I see a shop window with different TV-sets: there the moments of the ‘Crime and Punishment’ movie are shown. One minute left.
I have made the choice.
I push the group and scream: “There is a bomb! Run!"
вот такие вот сочинения доказывают отсутствие лёнского мозга