Столько гудшипа! Я сейчас эксплодирую!!

Ok, in the D.A. meeting Ron was like "I'll go easy on you" and she's like "...Thanks, Ronald" and then she hits him really hard and he falls back and he's completely embarassed and all the girls crowd around Hermione and she smiles at him.

Gawp picks up Hermione and Ron tries to save her by hitting a huge stick at him, but it breaks. And he puts her down and Ron's like "yeah...STAY AWAY FROM HER!"

When they escaped from Umbridge's room and Ron was like telling them how they escaped and she was like "Wow, Ron. You actually came up with a clever idea" and Ron said something and they smiled.


After Harry's kiss, Harry was like "it was wet" and there was a lot of glances and stuff


I know, i was like "Why the f uck is he jealous?"


But hey thats ron for ya.

I loved that they put alot of scenes for Ron and Hermione.

Before this eveyone thought it was Harry/hermione.

Now they know.


They all know its Ron and hermione!

My plan worked!