First scenes earlier in the day were of our world Olivia, in the alternate world. She still has her reddish brown locks over there. Not much I can say about it other than she was at a park. Not sure what the scene was about, except, it was alternate world scenes.

The later scenes were in our world. There they started with scenes of Walter & Olivternate, who is sporting the trademark blonde locks of Torv's, sitting on some steps while Walter ate.

There was then a scene with Olivternate, Peter & Walter infront of steps. Peter starts at the top of the stairs & walks down to meet up with the pair who are already at the bottom. Some dialogue is exchanged, and Walter leaves with his little bagged lunch.

This leads up to the big scene of the night.
With Walter gone, Olivternate & Peter share a fairly lengthy soft kiss probably 2-4 seconds long, at the base of the steps & walk away arms wrapped around each other.

Funny side story- last year, that was the same place I first found Fringe filming...and wouldnt you know it. A kiss was had there too. At that time, it was Nina Sharp kissing Agent Broyles on the cheek.

I guess thats the official Fringe make out place.